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Poetry: Dakota
- Dykes This page http://www.cowboysong.com/poets/poetsd1.html |
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* Indicates from the collection of Alan V. Miller
Dakota rhymes. Edited by Gustaf Wenzlaf and Wade Burleigh. [Minneapolis, MN]: np, 1898.
* Dale, Edward Everett. Frontier ways: sketches of life in the old West / Edward Everett Dale. Illustrated by Malcolm Thurgood. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1959. 265 p.
Poems at the beginning of each chapter are from the author's unpublished verses. See also chapter one "The romance of the range" "Much has been written about cowboy songs, and they were indeed of infinite variety ..." p.18-19
Dale, Edward Everett. The prairie schooner and other poems / Edward Everett Dale. Guthrie, OK: Co-operative Publishing Co., 1929. 85 p.
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"Chaps." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Damon, S. Foster. Series of old American songs. Reproduced in facsimile from original or early editions in the Harris Collection of American poetry and plays / S. Foster Damon. Providence, RI: Brown University, 1936.
Daniel, Wayne W. Pickin' on a peachtree: a history of country music in Atlanta, Georgia / Wayne W. Daniel. Urbana; Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1990.
* Daniels, Harriet. "Rugged mountains." Ideals (Milwaukee). 11(3): [27], June 1954.
Danker, Frederick E. "Country music." Yale Review. Spring 1974, p.392-404. Content?
Dary, David. Seeking pleasure in the old West / David Dary. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. 352 p. (see also song material p.120-123.)
"The journals and diaries of those who witnessed the [mountain men] rendezvous occasionally refer to music and singing, but provide few details. Certainly singing was popular, but fiddle or violin music was even more so. Fiddles were relatively inexpensive, selling for about ten dollars in frontier settlements ..." p.18.
The songs enjoyed most by the mountain men seem to have been jigs and reels to which they could dance ... Certainly there were other songs, some lost in the passage of time and memory, that reverberated from the camps of the mountain men." p.19.
Dasburgh, Marina Wister. see Marina Wister
* Davey, William. Arms, angels, epitaphs and bones / William Davey. Santa Fe, NM: Writers' Editions, 1935. 61 p.
No specific cowboy poems. See "o la la la l'amour," p.37 for lines "However, there reside in Santa Fe, New Mex. Many adoringly of the same sex." This may be a reference to Witter Bynner.
* Davidson, Levette J. A guide to American folklore / Levette J. Davidson. [Denver, CO]: University of Denver Press, 1951. 132 p. Inscribed to Frances Lunbeck.
See: "Songs, ballads, and rhymes," p. 34-41; "Folk music, dances, and games," p.78-84
Davidson, Levette J. "'Home on the range' again." California Folklore Quarterly. 3(3): np, nd
* Davidson, Levette J. A guide to American folklore / Levette J. Davidson. [Denver, CO]: University of Denver Press, 1951. 132 p.
Davidson, Levette J. "Mormon songs." Journal of American Folklore. 58(230): 273-300, October-December 1945.
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"Prickly pear." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Davidson, Levette J. Poems of the old West: a Rocky Mountain anthology / Levette J. Davidson. Selected and edited by Levette J. Davidson. [Denver, CO]: University of Denver Press, 1951. 240 p. Inside front cover: SAGE Books. WSL (Western Sage Library) No.5
Davidson, Levette J. Poems of the old West / Levette J. Davidson. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, [1968, c1951]. 240 p.
* Davidson, Levette Jay. Rocky Mountain life in literature: a descriptive bibliography. Denver, CO: University of Denver Book Store, 1936. 25 p. See VIII: Nature writers, poets and humorists, p.16-18.
Davidson, Levette J. "Songs of the Rocky Mountain frontier." California folklore quarterly. 3(3): np, nd
* Davis, Athie Sale. Davis' anthology of newspaper verse for 1934. 16th edition. Enid, OK: Athie Sale Davis, 1934. 142 p. Dj
See “Yucca” by Bernice Carey Fitch, p.12-13; “Mesquite trees” by Vaida Stewart Montgomery, p.44; “Prospector” by Paul F. Tracy, p.101
Davis, C.T. Poems / C.T. Davis. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Gazette, 1923.
Davis, Joe. Joe Davis' songs of the roaming range / Joe Davis. New York: Joe Davis, 1935. Reprinted as Tip top songs of the roaming range. New York: Tip Top Publishing, 1935.
Davis, John [Ieuan]. The bee hive songster / John Davis. Salt Lake City, UT: Daily Telegraph Office, 1868. Content?
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"Cowboy." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Davis, Katherine A. Murdock. The broken necklace / Katherine A. Murdock Davis. Siloam Springs, AR: Bar D Press, nd.
See: "The little town."
Davis, Mary Anne. From my window. np nd.
Davis, Mollie E. Moore. Minding the gap and other poems / Mollie E. Moore Davis. Houston, TX: Cushing & Cane, 1867.
Davis, Robert M. Playing cowboys: low culture and high art in the Western / Robert M. Davis. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
Dean, Michael C. The flying cloud: one hundred and fifty other old time songs and ballads of outdoor men, sailors, lumber jacks, soldiers, men of the Great Lakes, railroadmen, miners, etc. /Michael C. Dean. Norwood, PA: Norwood Editions, 1973. 146 p. (Reprint of the 1922 ed. published by Quickprint, Virginia, Minn.)
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"Bunk house." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Deats, Suzanne. "Cowboy troubadours: Ruidoso gathering rekindles the good, old campfire spirit." New Mexico Magazine. 71(10): 66-76,78. Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium.
Decker, Peter. Peter Decker's catalogues of Americana / Peter Decker. Foreword by Archibald Hanna; preface by Peter Decker. Austin, TX: Jenkins Publications; Frontier America Corp., 1979. 3 vol.; v. 1 catalogs 1944-47; v.2, catalogs 1953-63; v. 3 index.
Delano, Alonzo (1806-1874, "Old Block"). The idle and industrious miner / Alonzo Delano (attributed to William Bausman). Sacramento: James Anthony & Co., Publishers, 1854. Illustrated by Charles Christian Nahl.
The poem explores the virtues of hard work as opposed to the destruction of drink and gambling, diligence versus indulgence. The idle miner meets his end at the hand of the law, while the industrious miner returns home to his family.
Delano, Alonzo. The miner's progress; or, Scenes in the life of a California miner. Being a series of humorous illustrations of the "ups and downs" of a gold digger in pursuit of his "pile" / Alonzo Delano. San Francisco: Printed at the Grabhorn Press, 1943. [21 p.] Illustrated by Charles Christian Nahl. Reprinted from Sacramento, Daily Union Office, 1853.
The Dell book of great American folk songs. Edited by Jim Morse. New York: Dell, 1881.
Deloria, Vine, Jr. "Neihardt and the Western landscape." p.85-99. In A sender of words: essays in memory of John G. Neihardt. Edited by Vine Deloria, Jr. Salt Lake City, UT; Chicago, IL: Howe Brothers, 1984.
See works of John G. Neihardt
Delpar, Helen. The enormous vogue of things Mexican: cultural relations between the United States and Mexico, 1920-1935. Tuscaloosa, AL; London: The University of Alabama Press, 1992. 274 p.
Delpar notes the visits of Witter Bynner, Hart Crane, Marsden Hartley and Willard (Spud) Johnson.
DeMallie, Raymond J. "John G. Neihardt's Lakota legacy." p.110-134. In A sender of words: essays in memory of John G. Neihardt. Edited by Vine Deloria, Jr. Salt Lake City, UT; Chicago, IL: Howe Brothers, 1984.
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"Ranch." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Desprez, Frank. "Lasca." p.291. In The art of the old West from the collection of the Gilcrease Institute. Edited by Paul A. Rossi and David C. Hunt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971. 335 p.
* Devere, William. Jim Marshall's new pianner and other western stories / William Devere. New York: M. Whitmark & Sons, 1897. Ill. 130 p.
De Witt, Hugh. Bawdy barrack-room ballads / Hugh De Witt. London: Tandem, 1970.
* Dichter, Harry (ed.) One hundred great American songs in facsimile / Edited by Harry Dichter. np nd. (Reprint of Musical Americana Newsletter, Philadelphia, PA. )
See index "Texas items."
Dichter, Harry; Shapiro, Elliott. Early America sheet music: its lure and its lore, 1768-1889 / Harry Dichter and Elliott Shapiro. New York: R.R. Bowker Co., 1941.
Dick, Catharine Bond. Trails I've ridden: Alberta range rhymes / Catharine Bond Dick. Calgary, AB: J.W. Dick, 1946. 63 p.
Dick, Everett. "The long drive." Kansas Historical Collections. 17: 93-94, 1926-28. See "Mustang gray".
* Dickson, Lillian Durham. Amber in the sun / Lillian Durham Dickson. Fort Worth, TX: McBrayer Pub. Co., 1947. Ill. 64 p.
See section "Dawn on the range" p. 26-36.
Dillon, George. "Alice Corbin Henderson and poetry." New Mexico Quarterly Review. v.19, Spring 1949, p.34-79?
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"Cowhorse." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Division and admission: Dakota campaign song book for 1888. Dakota Territory: Dakota Farmer Job Printing House, 1888.
Dix, John Ross. (pseud. of George S. Phillips). Amusing and thrilling adventures of a California artist, while daguerreotyping a continent, amid burning deserts, savages and perpetual snows. And a poetical companion to the pantoscope of California, Nebraska and Kansas, Salt Lake and the Mormons. Boston, MA: [John Ross Dix], 1854.
Dix included a long poem corresponding to the scenes and sections of the pantoscope.
* Dixon, John Eaglefeather. "Poetry of Maynard Dixon." p. 24-26. In Space, silence, spirit: Maynard Dixon's West. [Paradise Valley, CA: A.P. Hays, 2002]. 36 p. Catalogue of the collection of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Hays.
Includes poems: "My country," "Alone," and "At last."
Dixon, Maynard. "Bronco New Year." Overland Monthly. January 1898.
See also Linda Jones Gibbs, Donald J. Hagerty, Space, silence, spirit and Grant Wallace
Dixon, Maynard. "The gap." Western World (San Francisco). July 27, 1907.
Dixon, Maynard. "Navajo song." Laughing Horse (Taos). December 1923.
Dixon, Maynard. Poems and seven drawings / Maynard Dixon. San Francisco, CA: Grabhorn Press (Edwin and Robert Grabhorn), 1923.
Dixon, Maynard. Rim-rock and sage: the collected poems of Maynard Dixon / Maynard Dixon. San Francisco, CA: California Historical Society, 1977.
* Dixon, Maynard. "Visionary." p.94. Also included is poem "The years," (1935), p.37. Maynard Dixon: images of the native American. San Francisco, CA: California Academy of Sciences, 1981. 96 p. In slipcase.
Dixon, Sam H. The poets and poetry of Texas / Sam H. Dixon. Austin, TX: Sam H. Dixon & Co., 1885.
* Dobbs, Paul H. The Kingdom of Cibola and other tales in verse / Paul H. Dobbs. Boston, MA: Chapman and Grimes, 1947. 76 p. Dj
Dobie, J. Frank. "Ballads & songs of the frontier folk." Texas and Southwestern Lore. (Texas Folk Lore Society). 6: 121-183, 1927.
Dobie, J. Frank. "A buffalo hunter & his song." Texas and Southwestern Lore. (Texas Folk Lore Society). 18: 1-6, [?1-10] 1943.
Dobie, J. Frank. "The cowboy and his songs." Texas Review. 5(2): 163-169, January 1920.
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"Hat and bandana." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Dobie, J. Frank. "Cowboy songs." Country Gentlemen. January 10, 1925, p.9. Reprinted as "Why cowboys sing." Saturday Evening Post saga of the American west. Indianapolis, IN: Curtis Publishing, 1980.
Dobie, J. Frank. Guide to life and literature of the southwest, with a few observations / J. Frank Dobie. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, c1943. 111 p. (Special printing for the Southern Methodist University Press.) See Ch.21: "Cowboy songs and other ballads," p.71-72
* Dobie, J. Frank. Guide to life and literature of the southwest: revised and enlarged in both knowledge and wisdom / J. Frank Dobie. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University Press, 1969, c1952. 222 p.
See: Ch.22 "Cowboy songs and other ballads" p.128-129.
* Dobie, J. Frank. The longhorns / J. Frank Dobie. Illustrated by Tom Lea. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1941. 388 p.
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"Boots." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Dobie, J. Frank. "More ballads and songs of the frontier folk." Foller de drinkin' gou'd. (Texas Folk Lore Society) 7: 155-180, [?6: 150-180] 1928.
Dobie, J. Frank. " Mustang gray: fact, tradition and song." Texas and Southwestern Lore. (Texas Folk Lore Society). 10: 109-126 [?123], 1932.
Dobie, J. Frank. The mustangs / J. Frank Dobie. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1952.
Dobie, J. Frank. Some part of myself / J. Frank Dobie. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1952. 282 p.
See: "Prose and poetry". p.140-168.
Dobie, J. Frank. Some part of myself / J. Frank Dobie. Reprint. Dallas, TX: Texas Folklore Society, 1967, c1952. 185 p.
See: "Tales and songs of Texas - Mexicans" p.86-116.
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"Bumper gate and cattle guard." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
Dobie, James Frank. Southwestern lore / J. Frank Dobie. Austin, TX.: Folk Lore Society, 1931. no.9.
Dobie, J. Frank. Tales of old-time Texas. Illustrated by Barbara Latham. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1955.
Only two poems are included: "Paradise in Texas," p.94 and Margaret Bell Houston's "Song from the traffic," p.141.
Dobie, J. Frank. "Tempo of the range." Western Folklore. 36: 177-181, 1967.
Dobie, James Frank. Texas and southwestern lore / J. Frank Dobie. Austin, TX.: Folk Lore Society, 1927. 259 p.
Dobie, J. Frank. "Tone the bell easy." Texas and Southwestern Lore. (Texas Folk Lore Society). 10: ?, 1932.
Dobie, J. Frank; Rogers, John William. Finding literature of the Texas Plains / J. Frank Dobie and John William Rogers. Dallas, TX: Southwest Press, 1930.
Doerry, Karl. "The American West: convention and inventions in art and literature." p.127-153. In Essays on the Changing images of the Southwest. Edited by Richard Francaviglia et al. College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 1994.
Dofflemyer, John C. "Cowboy poetics at the millennium." p.351-362. In Cowboy poets and cowboy poetry. Edited by David Stanley and Elaine Thatcher. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000.
Dorson, Richard M. Burying the wind / Richard M. Dorson. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1964. ?Content
Doubleday, Russell. Cattle ranch to college / Russell Doubleday. New York: np, 1899.
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"Branding a calf." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Douglas, Ernest. "Belle of Bumble Bee." In Arizona brags. Collected by Oren Arnold; illustrated by Leigh St. John. Phoenix, AR.: Bargeo Press, 1947. [48 p.]
* Doyle, Marion. "He who has lived with mountains." Ideals (Milwaukee). 11(3): [30], June 1954.
* Dresbach, Glenn Ward (1889 - ). Cliff dwellings and other poems / Glenn Ward Dresbach. New York: Harold Vinal, 1926. 96 p. Dj
Dresbach, Glenn Ward. In colors of the west / Glenn Ward Dresbach. np nd.
See: "In the desert."
Dresbach, Glenn Ward. Cliff dwellings and other poems / Glenn Ward Dresbach. Boston, MA: Vinal, 1926.
* Dresbach, Glenn Ward. The enchanted mesa and other poems / Glenn Ward Dresbach. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1924. 120 p.
Dresbach, Glenn Ward. Star dust and stone / Glenn Ward Dresbach. Dallas, TX: Turner, 1928.
* Driesbach, Janice T.; Jones, Harvey L.; Holland, Katherine Church. Art of the Gold Rush / Janice T. Dresbach, Harvey L. Jones, and Katherine Church Holland. Oakland, CA: Oakland Museum of California; Sacramento, CA: Crocker Art Museum; [Berkeley, CA]: University of California Press, 1998. 148 p.
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, Calif., Jan. 24 - May 31, 1998; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, Calif., June 21 - Sept. 13, 1998; National Musuem of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1998 - Mar. 7, 1999.
See poem "Winter in the mines," p.102, which was originally illustrated by seven vignettes by Charles Christian Nahl, published in the January 1859 issue of Hutchings' Illustrated California Magazine.
* Drummond, William Henry. Complete poems / William Henry Drummond. Introduction by Louis Frechette and an appreciation by Neil Munro. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1926. 449 p. Canadian content.
* Drummond, William Henry. The great fight: poems and sketches / William Henry Drummond. Edited with a biographical sketch by May Harvey Drummond; illustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn. New York; G.P. Putnam's Sons; Toronto, ON: Musson Book Co., 1908. 158 p.
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"Windmill." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Drummond, William Henry. The voyageur and other poems / William Henry Drummond. llustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn. New York; London: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1906. 142 p.
Dry Crik Review: Review of Contemporary Cowboy Poetry. Lemon Cove, CA: Dry Creek Press, 1991- quarterly
Dudley, R.E.; Payne, L.W. Jr. "Some Texas play-part songs." Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore Society. 1:28-29, 1916.
Duffus, R.L. The Santa Fe trail / R.L. Duffus. New York: Longmans, Green, 1930.
* Duffy, Nona Keen. "Cowboy song." p.22. In Ranches and rainbows. Edited by Odille Ousley. Toronto, ON: Ginn and Company, 1960, c1953. 191 p.
* Dunham, Sam C. The men who blaze the trail, and other poems / Sam C. Dunham. New York: Barse and Hopkins, 1913. Introduction by Joaquin Miller. 126 p.
Mostly about Alaska, but see "Give us water, Uncle Sam."
* Dunn, Allan; Stewart, H.J. Legends of Yosemite in song and story / Allan Dunn and H.J. Stewart. Boston, MA; New York; Chicago,IL: White-Smith Music Publishing, 1910. 40 p.
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"Rodeo." Cowboy
stamps. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. |
* Dunroy, William Reed. Corn tassels / William Reed Dunroy. Lincoln. NB: Ivy Press, 1897. 130 p.
See: "A prairie night" p. 13-14; "The River Platte" p.35-37; "Prairie pictures" p.53-55; "Wind of the West" p.57-59.
Dunsmore, Roger. "Nicolaus Black Elk: Holy man in history." p.143-158. In A sender of words: essays in memory of John G. Neihardt. Edited by Vine Deloria, Jr. Salt Lake City, UT; Chicago, IL: Howe Brothers, 1984.
Durham, Alfred. Pioneer song / Alfred Durham. Salt Lake City,UT: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1932. Check.
* Dustin, Edna S. Sagebrush and wagon wheels / Edna S. Dustin. Illustrated by V. Douglas Snow. Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1946. [54 p.]
* Duvall, Laura S. Colorado in verse and picture / Laura S. Duvall. Colorado Springs, CO: Laura S. Duvall, 1928. 206 p. Many photographs credited to H.L. Standley.
Dwyer, Richard A; Lingenfelter, Richard E. see The songs of the gold rush
* Dykes, Jeff. My Dobie collection / Jeff Dykes. College Station, TX; Texas A & M University Press, 1971. 43 p. (Friends of the Texas A & M Library, Keep-sake No. 1)
An annotated bibliography of the works of Frank Dobie.
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"Whereof the shining goal was comradeship." |
Contact owner: Alan V. Miller at millera@cowboysong.com | |
Last revised: August 27, 2011 |