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* Indicates from the collection of Alan V. Miller
* Al Clauser and his Oklahoma Outlaws' collection of original mountain and range songs. Folio no.1. Portland, OR: American Music Inc., 1937. 49 p. 18 songs.
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* Al Clauser and his Oklahoma Outlaws' collection of original songs of the West. No.2. Portland, OR: American Music Inc., 1939. 49 p. Illustrated. 20 songs.
* Al Clauser and his Oklahoma Outlaws' folio of original songs. Folio no.3. Portland, OR: American Music Inc., 1941. 46 p. 20 songs.
* Albert E. Brumley's songs of the pioneers: a collection of songs and ballads of the romantic past. Camdenton, MO: Albert E. Brumley and Songs, 1970. [64 p.] 60 songs. See: Gene Gideon "Folk music history in song" p.32-33.
* Al Trace original songs, cowboy songs, mountain ballads. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, [1943]. 63 p. Ill. 55 songs.
Alberta Slim's circus and cowboy song. Folio no.3. [Toronto]: Empire, 1951.
Alberta Slim's songs of the Bar-X Ranch. Folio no.2. [Toronto]: Empire, 1950.
Alberta Slim's western songs. No.1. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson, 1947.
* Album of new radio favorites: containing twenty beautiful new songs. No.11. Portland, OR: Master Music Makers, 1937. 54 p. 20 songs. See: "Sorry cowboy" by Ray Anderson
* Alka-Seltzer song book. Elkhart, IN: Miles Laboratories, 1937. 15 p. 27 songs.
* All join in pioneer community song sheet: 75 favorites you love to sing. New rev. ed. New York: Paull-Pioneer Music Corp., 193- See: "Long, long trail," "Home on the range," "Comrades."
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* All-star sheet music of favorite cowboy and hillbilly songs. New York: Words to Songs, 1949. v.1, n.2, 1949. 32 p. 20 songs.
* Allan, Fleming. Behind those swinging doors (The doors swing in - the doors swing out). Hollywood, CA.: American Music Inc.; Toronto: Canadian Music Sales, 1937. 3 p.
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* American cowboy songs. Enlarged edition. New York: Robbins Music Corporation, 1936. 96pp Ed. by Hugo Frey. 70 songs.
American cowboy songs. New revised edition. New York: The Big 3 Music Corporation, [1971?]. 96 p.
* American war songs. Published under the supervision of National Committee of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Philadelphia: National Committee of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1925. Reprint. Detroit: Gale Research, 1974. 202 p. See: Chapter 3 "Mexican War" p.54-65.
* Amsterdam, Morey. Oh why, oh why, did I ever leave Wyoming. New York: Leo Feist, 1946. 2 p. Featured by Jerry Colonna.
* Archer, Harry; Thompson, Harlan. I love you: Je t'aime! Toronto: Leo Feist, 1923. 5 p. Sensational Fox Trot from the New York Success "Little Jessie James: a musical farce". Chanson avec paroles francaises. Book and lyrics by Harlan Thompson; music by Harry Archer; staged by Walter Brooks; French words by Paul Combis.
Arizona Red's collection of cowboy songs. New York: Amsco Music, 1938. See: "Round-up day in Arizona," "Buffalo skinners," "Little old sod shanty."
* The Arkansas Woodchopper's world's greatest collection of cowboy songs with yodel arrangements. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1931. 66 p. 34 songs.
* The Arkansas Woodchopper's world's greatest collection of cowboy songs with yodel arrangements. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1931. 66 p. 35 songs with 2 not in other 1931 edition.
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* The Arkansas Woodchopper's world's greatest collection of cowboy songs with yodel arrangements. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1932. 66pp On cover: "Contains 36 big hits," but 37 included.
Art Dickson's original songs. Hollywood, CA: Cross Music Company, c1943.
* Arthur Smith's original folk songs. Folio no. 1. With foreword by Alton Delmore. Hollywood, CA: American Music Co., 1943. 46 p. 20 songs.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's 1936 edition fireside treasures: mountain ballads, old hymns, children's songs, cowboy songs. Louisville, KY: Asher Sizemore, 1935. 47 p. 52 songs. Includes four song insert, 1935: Horse and buggy days; When we kneel with our savior in prayer; From Jerusalem to Jericho; Will you be the same old sweetheart.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's family circle songs: 1938 edition. Laurel, Ind.: Asher and Little Jimmie, 1937. 48 p. 50 songs. Backcover: Rayner, Dalheim and Co., Chicago.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's family circle songs: 1938 edition. Laurel, Ind.: Asher and Little Jimmie, 1937. 48pp. 50 songs. Variant: different photographs p.2-4.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's favorite songs: mountain ballads, old hymns, children's songs, popular songs. Louisville, KY: Asher Sizemore, 1934. 32 p. Ill. 20 songs. See: "Little Cowboy Jim" p.6.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's songs of the soil: mountain ballads, old hymns, children's songs, cowboy songs - 1937 edition. Laurel, Ind.: Asher and Little Jimmie, 1936. 48 p.
* Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie's songs of the Southland: mountain ballads, old hymns, children's songs, cowboy songs. 1947 Edition. Rushville, IN: Asher and Little Jimmie, 1947. 48 p. 50 songs.
At home on the range with Levi's: your favorite songs. Thermopolis, WY: Wright's Clothing Store, [c1950]. Illustrated by Lee M. Rice.
Five cowboy songs from "The Cowboy Sings," published by Paull-Pioneer Music Corp. in 1932 and edited by Kenneth S. Clark.
* Atcher, Bob. Answer to you are my sunshine. New York: Southern Music, 1941. 3 p. Cover: Bradley Kincaid.
* Autry, Gene. You're the only star (in my blue heaven). New York: Shapiro, Bernstein and Co., 1938. 5 p.
* Autry, Gene; Rose, Fred. You'll be sorry. Hollywood, CA: West'rn Music Publishing, 1942. 2 p. Cover: Featured by "Tiny Hill," America's biggest band leader.
Avril, Charles. The girl I loved out in the golden West. Poem by C.H. Scoggins, music by Charles Avril. Denver: Tolbert R. Ingram Music Co., [1904].
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"Whereof the shining goal was comradeship." |
Contact owner: Alan V. Miller at millera@cowboysong.com | |
Last revised: July 9, 2008 |