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Titles: P - Q

* Indicates from the collection of Alan V. Miller

- P -

* Pack, L. D. Cowboy Loye presents 20 famous heart songs. [S.l.: Cowboy Loye, 193-]. 20 p. See: "Yellow rose of Texas", "Oh bury me out on the prairie".

Where the rhododendrons grow, 1936

* Pack, L.D. Where the rhododendrons grow. S.l.: L.D. Pack, 1936. 3 p.

"Cowboy Loye, L.D. Pack."
Music by L.D. Pack; words by A.J. Ritchie."

* Pages from Sammy Kaye's dusty old manuscripts of songs and poems. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson; New York: World Music Inc., 1945. 24 p. 14 song and poems.

* Palmer, "Bob". The Utah trail. Words and music by Bob Palmer. (second edition). Los Angeles: Palmer Publishing, 1928. 5 p.

* Palmer-Hughes accordian hootenanny. New York: Alfred Music, 1964. 44 p. See: "Jesse James", p.13-15; "Blood on the cactus" p.37

* Palmer-Hughes cowboy book . New York: Alfred Music, 1960. 24 p.

Pals of the golden west, 1942

* Pals of the golden west. Folio no.1. Portland, OR: American Music Inc., 1942. 48 p. Ill.

"20 new songs."
Complete with words and music,
Guitar, ukulele and banjo chords."

* 'Pappy' Cheshire and his hill billy champions: mountain songs, home songs, western songs, cowboy songs. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1940. 96 p. 60 songs.

* Paramount Pictures song folio with words and music. Fifth. New York: Famous Music Corp., 1940. 48 p. See: "Scenes from 腺uck Benny rides again' a Paramount Picture," p.25; "Scenes from 鮮orth-West Mounted Police' a Paramount Picture," p.33; "Little band of gold," words and music by Gene Autry, Chas. Newman and Fred. Glickman, p.46-48.

Patsy Montana songs, 1941

* Patsy Montana deluxe edition of famous original cowboy songs and mountain ballads. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1941. 95 p. Ill. 84 songs.

"America's no.1 cowgirl."
See: "Howdy, pardner!" words and music by Lee Penny
and Patsy Montana, p.44-45

   Patsy Montana's new song book. Nashville: Hilliard-Currie, c1945.

* Paul Grove's roundup of song hits (radio and recording). New York: Dixie Music Pub. Co., 1943. 32 p. 32 songs. See: "New Jesse James," p.9.

* Paul Howard's cotton pickin' songs. Nashville: Acuff-Rose, [1945]. 47 p. Ill. 20 songs. See: "Home in San Antone," p.12-13.

  Pee Wee King's folio of waltzes, square dances and polkas. Hollywood, CA: Hill and Range Songs Inc., c1951.

* Pee Wee King's music box folio. Nashville: Acuff-Rose, [1947]. 48 p. Ill. 20 songs.

Under a Texas moon, 1929

* Perkins, Ray. Under a Texas moon. New York: Remick Music Corp., 1929. 5 p.

"Lyrics and music by Ray Perkins."
"As sung in 'Under a Texas moon' by Frank Fay,
A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone picture."
Spanish lyric by Gonzales Jimenez

* The Peter Maurice popular song album. No.4. London: Peter Maurice Music, 1936. 47 p. See: "Saddle your blues to a wild mustang".

* The Peter Maurice popular album of twenty song hits: containing full words and music with tonic solfa of the most popular songs everybody sings. London: Peter Maurice Music, 1937. c1937. 47 p. 20 songs. See: "Cowboy", "Roll along covered wagon", "The sunset trail".

Out where the west begins, 1917

* Philleo, Estelle. Out where the west begins: a song. Chicago: M. St. Vrain Sanford, 1917. 5 p.

"Words by Arthur Chapman;
Music by Estelle Philleo."
Skyline sketch by Harold Bell Wright,
From 'Where a man's a man'."

* Philleo, Estelle. Out where the west begins. Words by Arthur Chapman; illustrated by Harold Bell Wright. Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1917. 5 p. SS Series.

   Philleo, Estelle. Roundup lullaby. Words by Charles Badger Clark. Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1917.

Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Harmonica Joe,

* Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Harmonica Joe's favorite old time songs. Song Book No. 1. Chicago: M.M. Cole, 1937. 32 p. Ill.

See: "The dying cowboy," p.6
"The cowboy's dream," p.9

* Pie Plant Pete's and Bashful Harmonica Joe's favorite old time songs. Song Book No. 2. Chicago: M.M. Cole, 1937. 34 p. Ill. See: "I only want a buddy - not a sweetheart."

* Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Joe's favorite old time songs. De Luxe Edition. Song Book No.3. New York: Peer International, 1941. 32 p. Ill.

Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Harmonica Joe,

* Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Joe's favorite old time songs. De Luxe Edition Song Book No.4. Franklin, PA: Kelly Music Publications, 1945. 32 p. Ill.

See: "In sunny Santa Fe." p.28-29
Poems, especially "A new slant on friendship," p.18

* Pine Mountain Merry Makers favourite melodies, songs and tunes. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, [1936]. 16 p. 14 songs.
Play and sing, 1937

* Play and sing: America's greatest collection of old time songs and mountain ballads! Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing, 1930. 42 p.

"25 most harmonious songs."
"All favorite phonograph record recordings."
"Words and music, complete-piano accompaniment and guitar chords!"
See: "Bury me out on the prairie," "Frankie and Johnny," "When the works all done this fall," "I wish I was single again," "The Lane County bachelor," and "The dying cowboy."

   Polly Jenkins and her Musical Pals, songs of the mountains and prairies. New York: Dixie Music Publishing, nd.

   Popular and standard songs . New York: Sharpiro Bernstein, c1934-36. Series titles vary; see "Empty saddles," "Moonlight on the Colorado," "The trail of the lonesome pine," "Wagon wheels," etc.

* Popular and standard songs: wagon wheels . New York: Sharpiro Bernstein, c1934. Music by Peter De Rose; lyrics by Billy Hill. 5 p.

  Popular cowboy songs: home spun songs, mountain songs, mother songs, love songs / by Bob Miller, et al. Passaic, NJ: Home Service, 1939. 22 p. 19 songs

Popular cowboy songs, 194-

* Popular cowboy songs: songs of the range and western says. S.l.: s.n, 194-, quarterly.

Running title: Cowboy songs

Spring, 194-. 16pp
v.2, no.8, Nov. 1947. 26 p.

   Popular cowboy songs: lyrics of love and loneliness, whoopee and lament on the wide prairie and dogie trails. New York: Bob Miller, 1940.

* Popular cowboy songs of ranch and range: the most wonderful collection ever written. New York: The Roaming Dreamer, 194-. [15 p.] See ad for Bi-sexual love, 7-Homosexual neuroses, [p.6].

Popular music and dancing weekly,

* Popular music and dancing weekly. Edited by Jack Payne. London: Amalgamated Press.

v.1, no. 3, Oct. 27, 1934. 20 p. "In San Antonio" p.17- 19
v.1, no. 4, Nov. 3, 1934. 20 p. "Home on the range" p.1-2
v.1, no. 5, Nov. 10, 1934. 20 p. "Sweetheart of Red River Valley" p.4-5

* Popular music and film song weekly. London: Southern Music.

* Popular song folio: arranged for piano, guitar, banjo and uke. New York: Stevens Music Corp., c1946. 14 songs. Music by Sunny Skylar, Smiley Burnette's "It's my lazy day."

* Popular song hits. (Toronto: Song Hit Publishing).

* Popular song sheet: popular songs, western songs, jive songs. New York: Movie Songs Inc., 1944.

Popular songs, Oct. 1934

* Popular songs. New York, NY: Charlton Publishing Corp.; Dunellen, NJ: Dell Publishing, c1934-?, monthly

v.1, no.1, Oct. 1934. 33 p. See: "Frankie and Johnnie," p.18-19, "There's a yellow moon on the purple sage," p.20.
v.1, no.2, Dec. 1934. 35 p. See: "Home on the range," p.10-11.
v.1, no.12, Dec. 1935. 35 p. See: "The singing cowboy: Gene Autry," p.17,33.

* Popular songs. Derby, CT: Charlton Publishing Corp. c1946-52, monthly

Don't fence me in, 1944

* Porter, Cole. Don't fence me in. New York: HARMS, 1944. 3 p.

"Warner Brothers presents 'Hollywood Canteen',
With Andrews Sisters, Jack Benny, Eddie Cantor, Kitty Carlisle, Jack Carson, Joan Crawford ..."

* Porter, Cole. Rosalie. New York: Chappell; Toronto: Canadian Music Sales, 1936. 5 p. From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture "Rosalie." Cover: Nelson Eddy and Eleanor Powell.

* Porter Wagoner country music favorites. New York: Hill and Range Songs, 1957. 41 p. Ill. 15 songs.

* Potter, Harold. Home on the range: cowboy song. Philadelphia: Morris Music, 1932. 3 p.

   Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's song book. ?: McKee Printing, 1934.

Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee,

* Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's songs of the range. Chicago: Chart Music Publishing House, 1937. 50 p. Ill. 30 songs.

"For voice and piano,
With accompaniment for guitar, ukulele, banjo, accordion, violin, mandolin, and other instruments."

* Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's songs of the range: cowboys wails of cattle trails. Chicago: Chart Music Publishing House, 1937. 50 p. 30 songs.

* The Prairie Ramblers and Patsy Montana's collection of songs. New York: Bob Miller, 1937. 66 p. 30 songs. As sung and played on Radio Station WLS, Chicago, Illinois.
Prairie Ramblers barn dance, 1941

* Prairie Ramblers barn dance favorites. Chicago: Chart Music Publishing House, 1941. 58 p. 34 songs.

"For voice and piano,
With accompaniment for guitar, ukulele, banjo, accordion, violin, mandolin, and other instruments."

* The Prairie Ramblers songs of the trail. New York: Leeds Music Corp., 1946. 48 p. 15 songs.

- Q -

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Last revised: July 8, 2009