Aperçu de la francophonie de Cornwall par l'image: Bicentenaire de Cornwall, 1784-1984. By Fernande DeSerres Fobert. Cornwall: La Société Historique de Cornwall, [1984]. 106 p.
Belden, H. Illustrated historical atlas of the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ont., compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys. Belleville, ON. : Mika Silk Screening, 1972. 58 p. Reprint to 1879 edition, by H. Belden & Co. See “Historical sketch,” p.i-xi.
* Belmore, Aimée. Built with pride, built with style: discovering Cornwall's architectural heritage. [Cornwall, ON]: Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall, 2006. 110 p.
Bourguignon, Claude. Saint-Colomban: une épopée irlandaise au piémont des Laurentides. Chambly, Québec: Passé présent, 1988. 270 p.
Bowering, Ian. Bowering's guide to Eastern Ontario: a cultural and historical companion. [Kingston]: Quarry Press, 1992. 319 p.
* Bowering, Ian. Cornwall: from factory town to Seaway City, 1900-1999, volume 1. Cornwall, ON: Standard Freeholder, 1999. 157 p.
* Bowering, Ian. Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School, 1806-2006. Photography and graphics by Natalie Ménard. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2006. 37 p. Website: http://www.library.cornwall.on.ca/New_DP/publication.php (Viewed September 6, 2010)
* Bowering, Ian. Cornwall justice: the story of Cornwall's jail, a compilation. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2008. 114 p.
* Bowering, Ian. Running down the rapids, vol. 2. Photography and graphics by Natalie Ménard. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2006. 58 p. Website: http://www.library.cornwall.on.ca/New_DP/publication.php (Viewed September 6, 2010)
* Bowering, Ian. Two hundred years of art: circa 1770-1970. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2002. 21 p.
* Brault, Lucien. Histoire des Comtés Unis de Prescott et de Russell. L'Original, ON: Conseil des Comtés Unis, 1965. 110 p.
* Built on faith : the story of a church and its people, St. Matthew's Presbyterian Church, Ingleside 1795-2002 . Compiled by Helen Stewart, edited by Rosemary Rutley. Ingleside, ON: Old Crone Publishing and Communications, 1999. 96 p. St. Matthew's Presbyterian was relocated to Ingleside during the Seaway and Power Project in the late 1950's
* Canada investigates industrialism: the Royal Commission on the Relations of Labor and Capital, 1889 (abridged). Ediited, with an introduction, by Greg Kealey. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. See “Cornwall,” p.179-192.
Carter-Edwards, Karen. 100 years of service: Cornwall Electric Story. Ottawa, ON: Beauregard Press, 1987.
* Cartwright, D.G. “Institutions on the frontier: French-Canadian settlement in eastern Ontario in the nineteenth century.” Canadian Geographer. 21(1) (1977): 1-21.
* CC200: a memoir of voices: celebrating 200 years of education at CCVS. Edited by Charlie Wilkins. Brockville, ON: Upper Canada District School Board, 2006. Published on the 200th anniversary of the founding of Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School, 1806-2006.
* Chevrier, Bernard. Tales of courage: stories from Eastern Ontario's remarkable past. Newcastle, ON: Penumbra Press, 2002. 128 p.
* Clow, Barbara. “Mahlon William Locke: ‘toe-twister'.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History. 9 (1992): 17-39. Locke was a Canadian physician working in Williamsburg, Ontario in the 1930s. His foot manipulation was said to relieve arthritis.
* Comme un jour dans la nuit: Nativité de la bienheureuse Vierge Marie, Cornwall 1887-1987. [Cornwall, ON] : Journal de Cornwall, [1987?] 290 p. History of Navity Church, in French, many illustrations.
* Cornwall and the War of 1812. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2012. 43 p.
* Donihee, Dorothy. In my mother's footsteps: memories of Smithville. Edited by Ian Bowering and Ann Symington. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 1996. Earlier edition, 1979. 54 p. History of the area just north of the Howard Smith Paper Mill; Smithville houses were dismantled in 1958 for expansion of the mill.
* Earle, Joan Levy. The legacy of C.W. Kyte. Renfrew, ON: General Store Publishing House, 2013. 165 p. On the C.W. Kyte stationary and bookstore, 1889-1988. It was The Sanctuary (1988-2004) when it was bought by Jack and Joan Earle
* Falkner, William. "Sir: I wish to resign the office of constable, as I don't wish to hold it any longer." Lancaster, ON: William Falkner, 4th April, 1857. Letter to Mr. James Pringle.
Fobert, Rolland Clarence. Faith is our strength: the story of St Columban's Parish 1829-1993, Cornwall, Ontario. Cornwall, ON: St Columban's Parish; O'Neill Printing. 1994.
George Wilson's down the lane (again), volume 1. Edited by Lyall Manson and Lily Worrall. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 2005.
* Grant, R.C.M. The story of Martintown: [a pioneer village]. Gardenvale, QC: Harpell's Press Co-operative, 1974. 151 p. 1st ed. May 1974; 2nd ed. September 1974. Inscribed by Rhodes C.M. Grant.
* Grignon, Gisele; Seaver, Morley. The evolution of Stormont agriculture. Cornwall, ON: Cornwall City Press, 1995. 202 p.
* Harkness, John Graham. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry: a history, 1784-1945. [Cornwall , ON]: [United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry], 1972, 1946. 601 p. Facsimile ed.
Heritage Cornwall: examples of the city's historic architecture, volume no. 1. Cornwall, ON: Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of Cornwall, [1979?] 52 p.
Heritage highlights of Cornwall Township. Cornwall, ON: Historical Society of Cornwall Township; St. Andrew's Historical Society. Bicentennial Committee, 1984.
Contents: Ontario bicentennial; A wee bit of heritage; Mille Roches and area; Moulinette; Hockey in the township; Beaconsfield suburbia; Changes in the East Front; Northwestern section; St. Andrew's and area; Northern township; Centre township; Diary industry; The eastern half of Cornwall township; Happenings and customs; Reeves, deputy reeves and wardens
* Hoople, Elizabeth . Jonas Wood, U.E.L. Cornwall: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, [1984]. 32 p. Includes index and corrections by Lyall Manson and Elizabeth L. Hoople, 1986.
* Johnson, Clifton. The picturesque St. Lawrence / written and illustrated by Clifton Johnson. New York: Macmillan, 1910. See “The rapids,” p.40-58.
* Kealey, Gregory S.; Palmer, Bryan D. “The bonds of unity: the Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900.” Social History / Histoire sociale. 14(28) (November 1981): 369-411. See p.381-382.
* Kealey, Gregory S.; Palmer, Bryan D. Dreaming of what might be: the Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900. Toronto : New Hogtown Press, 1987. See index: Cornwall.
* Ledoux, Debbie. A journey to remember: Central Public School, a history of our beloved school, Cornwall, Ontario. Summerstown, ON: Kelly Andrew Heard, 2001. 80, ii p.
* Lefebvre, Roy; Seymour, Norman. The rivermen: echoes of Lake St. Francis. Cornwall, ON: [Lefebvre and Seymour; ASTRO Printing Service], 2007. 270 p.
Lights on the St. Lawrence: an anthology. Edited by Jean L. Gogo. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers; Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1958. 303 p.
* MacDonald, Wilson J. Happy times: my life in Cornwall, Ontario, 75 years ago. Edited by Lily Worrall. Cornwall, ON: Wilson J. MacDonald, 2008. 173 p.
* Marin, Clive; Marin, Frances. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, 1945-1978. Belleville, ON: Mika Pub. Co., 1982. 644 p.
* Mason, Stuart L. To repel the wicked: the Home Guard of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, 1837-1843. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 1999. 30 p.
* McIntosh, Elizabeth A. Two centuries of witness, 1784-1984: a history of the seven congregations which comprise Williamsburg United Church. [Williamsburg?, ON] : E.A. McIntosh , 1984. 288 p. See p.154-165: Dr. Mahlon W. Locke, 1880-1942.
* Merkley, Eileen. The friendly town that grew: a reminiscence of Cornwall, Ontario. Cornwall, ON: Union Publications, 1978. 93 p.
* Murray, Marland; Murray, Pearl. Historical memories: a collection of newsletters. Cornwall, ON: Cornwall Historical Society, 2007. 261 p. The complete issues, no.1-51, 1994-2006, of the Cornwall Township Historical Society Newsletter.
* O'Dette, Leonard, A. Glimpses, glances, sideswipes of Dickinson Landing. [Cornwall, ON]: Leonard A. O'Dette, 1982. 344 p.
* Patterson, William John. Joyful is our praise : Trinity (Bishop Strachan Memorial) Church, 1784-1984. [Cornwall, ON]: William John Patterson, 1984. 366 p. Signed.
* Phelps, Dorothy J. John Strachan comes to Cornwall, 1803-1812. [Cornwall, ON:] Vesta Publications, 1984, c1976. Second print. 56 p.
* Pollard, Gregory Charles. Missing : the story of Lance Corporal George G. Pollard murdered at the hands of German soldiers under the command of Major-General Kurt Meyer of the 25 th Panzer Grenadier Regiment. Cornwall, ON: Gregory Pollard; Astro Printing Services, 2003. 127 p.
Pringle, J.F. Lunenburgh, or, The old eastern district, its settlement and early progress [microform]: with personal recollections of the town of Cornwall, from 1824: to which are added a history of the King's royal regiment of New York and other corps, the names of all those who drew lands in the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, up to November, 1786 and several other lists of interest to the descendants of the old settlers / by James F. Pringle. Cornwall [ON]: Standard Printing House, 1890. 5 microfiches CIHM no. 12272
Pringle, J.F. Lunenburgh, or, The old eastern district. Belleville [ON]: Mika Silk Screening Ltd., 1972. Originally published in 1890 by the Standard Printing House, Cornwall, Ontario.
* Pringle, James. "Sir: The Magistrates at the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at Cornwall, in and for these United Counties, having appointed you a Constable therein for the ensuing year..." Lancaster, ON: William Falkner, 4th April, 1856. Letter to Mr. William Falkner.
* Racine, Thom. Constable Davey: a future lost. [Cornwall, ON: Thom Racine], 2011. 226 p. Signed. On the murder of John Davey (1845-1892).
* Rutley, Rosemary. Of curds and whey: a history of the cheese factories in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Ingleside, ON: Old Crone Publishing and Communications, 2005. 112 p.
* Rutley, Rosemary. Voices from the Lost Villages. Ingleside, ON: Old Crone Publishing and Communications, 1998. 182 p.
* Senior, Elinor Kyte. From royal township to industrial city: Cornwall, 1784-1984. Belleville, ON: Mika Publishing Co., 1983. 567 p.
* Shields, Anne-Marie L. Lost Villages, found communities : a pictorial history of the Lost Villages of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Cornwall, ON: Anne-Marie Leveillie-Shields; Astro Printing Services, 2004. 159 p. Each home illustrated by a wonderful watercolour by Shields.
Smith, Alison. “John Strachan and early Upper Canada, 1799-1814.” Ontario History. 52 (1960): 158-173.
Souvenir of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry [microform]: commemorating old boys' reunion at Cornwall, Ontario, August 11-15, 1906. Cornwall, ON: The Freeholder, 1906. 3 microfiches (102 fr.) CIHM no. 77201
* Stein, Jeremy. “Time, space and social discipline: factory life in Cornwall, Ontario, 1867-1893.” Journal of Historical Geography. 21(3) (July 1995): 278-298.
* A story in each of us: memories of Glengarry storytellers . Alexandria, ON: WIN Publishing, Glengarry Encore Education, 2011. 305 p.
Sylvestre, Paul-François. Cornwall. Ottawa: Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, 1984. x, 156 p
* Symington, Ann. Doctors in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry counties, 1784-1900. Cornwall, ON: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society, 1997. 121 p. Includes loose 7-page index.
* Thompson, Steve. Doesn't that hurt the cow's back? Burnstown, ON.: General Store Publishing House, 2002. 116 p. Short stories of eastern Ontario, Dundas County.
* Thompson, Steve. Picture this! Renfrew, ON.: General Store Publishing House, 2004. 122 p. Short stories of eastern Ontario. Signed.
* Upper Canada Village: Ontario's living heritage. Morrisburg, ON: St. Lawrence Parks Commission, [1960s]. [36 p.]
* Welcome to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada : bienvenue à Cornwall. Cornwall, ON: City of Cornwall, [1966]. 28 p.
* Wilkins, Hume. Cornwall verse. Illustrated by Douglas Hunt, Dicky Wong, Sharyn Shemwell. [Cornwall, ON: Hume Wilkins], 1965. 74 leaves.
* Worrall, Lily. Cornwall Ontario. Content: Fires; Churches; Bridge Calamites; Resorts/Eateries; Hospitals; Schools; Pitt Street; Second Street; River and Dry Docks; Pitt and Second Streets; Cornwall Factories; Capitol Theatre. Website: http://www.cornwallpostcards.ca/ Viewed 2009-11-25
* Worrall, Lily. Look Ma! No hands!: Captain Allan Piper. Cornwall, ON: Astro Printing, 1998. 168 p. Cover subtitle: Canada's first double-hand amputee of World War II.
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